Prevent and mitigate user risk with effective security awareness training as part of your employee onboarding and continuous training program.

Protect Your Business Reputation And Secure Your Clients Trust

Help employees avoid phishing and other types of social engineering cyberattacks as well as learn to report possible security threats.

Engaging & Interactive

Studies show that companies who deploy training have less malware than those with only malware protection tools.

Security awareness training is a proven approach for improving risky employee IT behaviors that can lead to security compromises. 

Current and relevant

Training that is ongoing and continuous ensures employees are up to date on the latest methods criminals are employing.

Regulatory compliance

Get awareness training that meets compliance criteria for PCI, HIPPA, GDPR and others.

Easy reporting and management

Our powerful learning management platform makes it easy to create, monitor and measure training activity.

*MSP Complete: Our managed IT service plan includes Security Awareness Training along with unlimited helpdesk, 24/7 monitoring and many other services for one flat fee.

Want to deploy security training that is effective and engaging? Call us.